Week 18: Invention, Intellectual Property and Income


The automated rotatory organizer is a novel and practical solution designed to streamline object storage and retrieval, enhancing the efficiency and convenience of users. By automating the selection and rotation process, it improves the quality of life and has the potential to contribute significantly to economic growth through innovative home and office organization.

Intellectual Property

To protect and commercialize this invention, various forms of intellectual property (IP) can be utilized:

  • Patents: Protect the mechanical and electronic components and processes involved in the automated rotatory organizer.
  • Trademarks: Secure the brand name and logo of the product to build brand recognition and value.
  • Copyrights: Protect any software and user manuals developed for the organizer.
  • Trade Secrets: Safeguard the proprietary algorithms and design processes that give the organizer a competitive edge.


Income can be generated from the automated rotatory organizer through various IP-related avenues:

  • Licensing: Allow other companies to manufacture and sell the organizer in exchange for licensing fees.
  • Sales: Sell the complete IP rights to a larger company interested in integrating the technology into their product line.
  • Commercialization: Develop and market the organizer directly to consumers and businesses.
  • Enforcement: Protect the IP through legal action against unauthorized use to ensure revenue streams are not undermined by infringement.

This approach enables inventors and businesses to capitalize on their creations, driving economic success and fostering further innovation.

Dissemination Plan

The initial prototype of the automated rotatory organizer demonstrates the feasibility and functionality of the design. Moving forward, the focus will be on refining and improving the prototype, expanding its capabilities, and promoting its adoption.

Short-term Goals:

  • Prototype Improvement: Continue to upgrade the prototype by enhancing its mechanical stability, improving software algorithms, and adding features based on user feedback.
  • Collaborative Development: Utilize interdisciplinary collaboration with classmates and faculty from different fields to improve the organizer's design, coding, and functionality.
  • Demonstrations and Exhibitions: Showcase the improved prototype at university exhibitions, tech fairs, and maker events to gather feedback and attract potential investors or partners.
  • Documentation and Training: Develop comprehensive user manuals and training materials to facilitate easy understanding and adoption by users.

Medium-term Goals:

  • Beta Testing: Conduct extensive beta testing with a diverse group of users to identify potential issues and gather valuable insights for further improvement.
  • Product Launch: Plan a product launch strategy, including marketing campaigns, pre-orders, and partnerships with retailers.
  • University Collaboration: Provide the improved prototype to the university’s innovation lab to continue enhancing and expanding its capabilities.

Long-term Goals:

  • Market Expansion: Explore opportunities for expanding into new markets, such as office organization, industrial applications, and specialized storage solutions.
  • Continuous Improvement: Implement feedback from users to continuously improve the product, adding new features and capabilities to meet evolving needs.
  • Sustainable Manufacturing: Invest in sustainable manufacturing processes to reduce environmental impact and appeal to eco-conscious consumers.
  • IP Management: Maintain and manage the intellectual property rights to protect and enforce the IP as the product gains market traction.

Future Possibilities

In the future, the automated rotatory organizer can be further developed to include several advanced features and improvements:

  • Adding a LiPo Battery: Integrate a lithium-polymer battery for enhanced portability and longer operation time.
  • Mobile App Integration: Develop a mobile app to control the organizer, allowing users to select and retrieve items remotely.
  • Compact PCB Design: Utilize JLC PCB services for fabricating smaller and more efficient PCBs to streamline the design.
  • Advanced Training Models: Implement advanced machine learning models to improve the accuracy and efficiency of object selection and retrieval.
  • Conductive Thread: Use conductive thread for more reliable and flexible connections within the organizer.
  • Full-scale Manufacturing: Transition from prototype to full-scale manufacturing, ensuring consistency and quality in each unit produced.
  • Modular Design: Enhance the modular design to allow easy replacement and upgrading of individual components.
  • Improved Sensor Technology: Integrate more advanced sensors for better detection and response to user inputs.

By pursuing these possibilities, the automated rotatory organizer can be transformed from a prototype into a widely adopted product that significantly impacts how people organize and access their belongings.

Creative Commons License Chooser Tutorial

This tutorial will guide you through the steps to create a Creative Commons license for your work using the Creative Commons License Chooser website.

1 Visit the Creative Commons License Chooser website:

Open your web browser and go to Creative Commons

2 Choose the License Features:

Select the features you want for your license:

  • Allow adaptations of your work to be shared? Choose "Yes" if you allow others to remix, adapt, or build upon your work. Choose "No" if you do not allow adaptations. Choose "Yes, as long as others share alike" if you allow adaptations under the same terms.
  • Allow commercial uses of your work? Choose "Yes" if you allow others to use your work for commercial purposes. Choose "No" if you do not allow commercial uses.
3 Fill in the Optional Fields:

You can provide additional information about your work, but this is optional:

  • Title of Work: Enter the title of your work.
  • Attribution Name: Enter your name or the name of the entity to whom credit should be given.
  • Attribution URL: Enter a URL where your work is hosted or more information can be found.
4 Choose wich license

If you dont know wich license you need for your proyect you can use this link to use the LICENSE CHOOSER to help you find what you need

5 Review and Copy Your License:

After selecting the options, the website will generate the appropriate Creative Commons license for your work. You will see a summary of the license features and the HTML code you can use to embed the license on your website.

Review the license information to make sure it meets your needs.

Copy the HTML code provided to embed the license on your website or include it with your work.

6 Apply the License to Your Work:

Include the copied HTML code in your website or digital work to inform others of the license terms. For physical works, you can include a written statement or label indicating the Creative Commons license.

Steb by step How to do the questionare

1 Go to the website
2 Review and Copy Your License:
3 Review and Copy Your License:
5 Review and Copy Your License:

ToolFInder by Ximena Mendieta is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0